How do you bill for your services?

Invoices are due upon receipt.  Tax returns will not be filed unless payment has been made.  All standard forms of payment are accepted, including credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover).

What hours are you available?

January 1st through April 15th Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00, Saturday 10:00-3:00
April 16th through December 31st, Monday through Thursday, 9:00-5:00, closed on Fridays.

We would be happy to make special arrangements for evening or weekend consultations.

What role do you play if the IRS audits me?

We will be happy to assist you or represent you in front of the taxing authority, our regular fees apply, and we can discuss an estimated fee at that time.

How much and what kind of preparation do you need for my return?

We prefer that your materials be in a computer accounting program, but we have taken materials in almost every imaginable form. Contact us with questions about specific software packages. Individual tax information can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or dropped off at our office.


Merck & Shumen CPAs

101 Green Street
Kingston, NY 12401

Feel free to contact us at E-MAIL: office@merckcpas.com

For more information, click here

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